The battlelines are drawn. |
Friday night gaming comes round so fast these days. Another day another game of Flames of War. This time with a chap called Gez using his Nomandy Hitler Youth painted by Animatronica. So this time I decided to record the valent efforts of the brave men of the 6th British Airbourne. My last game against a New Zealander called Bob (a very common New Zealand name I'm told) went very well. So with my men's morale high we waited for the German army to strike.
June 1944 Somewhere over mainland Europe Major Tathem Walter waited in his fox hole knowing that somewhere just past the crest of the trees German infantry were poised to strike...
The sound of enemy artillery flew overhead slamming into the 6 pdrs position. Luckly they were too well dug in for the shells to do any real damage.
"Report in, Sir", saluted the runner.
"What is it Jeffrey, can't you see I'm busy, some of C company has just bowled their last over and they're out for a duck!", Exclaim the Major.
"Sir, reports of some of Barkmann's infantry are trying to take our flank!"
Grabbing his binoculars the Major surveyed the field of battle. Sure enough the enemy were making a break for it. "Well thats just not cricket. Artillery maximum effect on my command."
The German Infantry are destroyed. |
The light canverse offered little or no protection from the bombardment. The survivors stagered out only to be torn apart by the machine gun fire from the recon platoon that had just made it back from a routeen patrol of the area and had arrived in the nick of time.
Waving his brolly in the air in approval at their destruction, the Major now turned his attention to the tanks and the platoon the he knew were some where in the thick undergrowth of the treeline.
Pathers Attack! |
With a roar, the Panthers had decided that enough was enough and moved towards the left flank look ingto create another German breakthough. This attack was led by none other than Barkmann himself. The Major watch the lead Panther drive head long into the cornfield...
The driver had stalled.
"Thats a spot of luck", said Jeffery.
Barkmann Stalls |
Unfortunately, for the Paras the 6pdrs were still reeling from the pounding they were recieving and were unable to capitalize on the driver's error. Realizing that the tanks were trying to create a gap in the British line the Major ordered his lads to move double smart and take out the armour before it was to late. Meanwhile, the recon jeeps were closing in on the objective but needed more time to make it secure. Artillary and machine gun fire were traded time and time again but both sides were to well dug in for it to make any real lasting effect.
"Get those guns back into position", screamed the Major.
With that the gun teams plucked up the courage and moved to their firing positions.
Barkmann's tank exploded in a gout of smoke and flame.
"Howzat!" cheered the Major, failing to notice Barkmann and two of his crew escaping from a side hatch and disappearing into the corn field. With the main thrust of the German army in disarray and Barkmann heading back to his repair HQ to request another Panther, it looked like the battle was won. The Recon team making it to their objective cutting off any escape route that may have been possible. The Germans were surrounded
"Well", said the Major, "Tea and Medals anyone?"
To late for the German Armour. |
Overall, a really fun game. I did feel that Jez was a little unlucky as he rolled badly for a bog down check on Barkmann leaving him stranded and vunerable. This allowed me to sweep in and take both objectives. In hindside Jez says he won't be taking Barkmann in small pointed games again as he comes in at a whooping 300 pts for this army. I feel like I am getting the hang of the mechanics of this game and I can now look at working on the tactics. The scenarios are what makes flames such a tactical game. I can't wait to try out the others.So, don't just sit there get stuck in choose a force, theatre and theme and give it a go!