Sunday 19 February 2012

Flames of Win

Battlefront minis you have done it again. Being an avid history buff and a wargamer does have its perks. Let me explain. Arriving in our hands this month is the long awaited Flames of War 3rd ed. For those of you who have never heard of this game I strongly suggest you try it out if your interested in 1939-45 periods of military history. It isn't a fast paced game such as Infinity or Warmachine but does have that attrition feel that a WW2 game should have. I'm currently painting 1st British Airborne and have researched the men who landed in Arnhem during opperation Market Garden. This game has even made me book a holiday to Holland to visit the area in which the battle was fought (who said wargaming wasn't educational). Anyway thats not the best bit. For those of you with a copy Flames Mk 2 you can take it back to where you bought it from and get a FREE copy of Mk 3. However do this soon as this offer only lasts till the end of February. It is not often the words free and wargaming go in the same sentence so while you are recovering heres a link to the Flames of War web site.
Also check out this armoured trains....

What's Coming in March


  1. That train is even sexier than the last one. I think everyone just needs to push forward and have a game for train-on-train combat.
